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py-commentjson Add Python and JavaScript style comments in your JSON files
py-commisery Check whether given commit messages adhere to Conventional Commits.
py-complexsystems Toolbox for Complex Sytems
py-compyle Execute a subset of Python on HPC platforms
py-conan C/C++ package manager
py-concepts Formal Concept Analysis with Python
py-conda Package management tool
py-conda-env Tools for interacting with conda environments
py-confire Simple app configuration scheme using YAML
py-consensus Standalone implementation of Augur's consensus mechanism
py-constraint Python module implementing support for handling CSPs
py-constructive-geometries Simple tools to define world locations from a set of topological faces and set algebra
py-contexttimer Timer context manager measuring the clock wall time
py-continuum-mechanics Utilities for doing calculations in continuum mechanics
py-control Python Control Systems Library
py-coreapi Python client library for Core API
py-coreschema Core Schema
py-corpus Arabic Quranic Corpus python API
py-corrfitter Utilities for fitting correlators in lattice QCD
py-cosat bindings to picosat (a SAT solver)
py-cosmolopy Python for Cosmology
py-cosmoTransitions Zero-temperature cosmological phase transitions
py-country-converter Converting country names between different classifications schemes
py-coverage-badge Generate coverage badges for
py-cppimport Import C++ files directly from Python
py-cPyparsing Cython implementation of PyParsing for use in Coconut
py-cracklib Tool for preventing users from choosing bad passwords
py-crossbar multi-protocol application router for microservices
py-cryptg Telethon extension to provide cryptography for Telegram requests
py-cryptoim Crypto Instant Messenger
py-csa The Connection-Set Algebra implemented in Python
py-csb Computational Structural Biology Toolbox
py-cscope Generates a cscope index of Python source trees
py-cse Python computations in science and engineering
py-csp Brings CSP (communicating sequential processes) to Python
py-ct Python package common tasks for users
py-ctutils Tools for analyzing data in CT scans
py-cubicweb Repository of entities / relations for knowledge management
py-Cura 3D printer / slicing GUI built on top of the Uranium framework
py-curlify Library to convert python requests object to curl command
py-cutadapt Find and remove adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails, etc
py-cva Calculus of Variations Solver
py-cvss CVSS2/3 library with interactive calculator
py-cvxpy Python software for convex optimization
py-cxnet Complex networks in education
py-cxvpy DSL for modeling convex optimization problems in Python
py-cykhash Cython equivalent to khash-sets/maps
py-cyksuid Cython implementation of KSUID (K-Sortable Globally Unique IDs)
py-cymem Manage calls to calloc/free through Cython
py-cysignals Interrupt and signal handling for Cython
py-cython-blis Blis linear algebra routines as a self-contained Python C-extension
py-cython-legacy C-Extensions for Python
py-cythongsl Cython declarations for the Gnu Scientific Library
py-da Pyda is a general object-oriented data assimilation package
py-dana Framework for distributed, asynchronous and adaptive computing
py-das Upload data to a Midas-based application with Python
py-dash-bootstrap-components Bootstrap themed components for use in Plotly Dash
py-dask Flexible parallel computing library for analytics
py-dask_expr Query Optimizer for the Dask Dataframes
py-data-google-auth PyData helpers for authenticating to Google APIs
py-dataclasses-json Easily serialize dataclasses to and from JSON
py-datamarix Intuitive, Pythonic way to work with tabular data
py-datarray NumPy arrays with named axes and named indices
py-datasci Meta package in the spirit of a popular Python distribution
py-datashader Data visualization toolchain based on aggregating into a grid
py-datashape Data description language
py-datatree DSL for creating structured documents in python
py-dbglog Python binding for dbglog
py-dbus-next Zero-dependency DBus library for Python with asyncio support
py-dbutils Database connections for multi-threaded environments
py-dclab Data analysis for real-time deformability cytometry
py-dcpf Python device communications protocol framework
py-dd Binary decision diagrams in Python, wrappers of CUDD, Sylvan, BuDDy
py-deap Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python
py-debacl Density-Based Clustering
py-debian Python modules to work with Debian-related data formats
py-debinning The bias inherent when binning data into histograms
py-debtcollector Python deprecation patterns and strategiest you technical debt
py-decimalfp Decimal fixed-point arithmetic
py-decimalpy Decimal based version of numpy
py-decode Dynamic programming toolkit
py-decorated-registry Decorator-based registry for objects with arbitrary payloads
py-decoratortools Class, function, and metaclass decorators
py-deep-merge Simple utility for merging python dictionaries
py-deep-translator Tool to translate between different languages
py-deepmerge Toolset to deeply merge Python dictionaries
py-delay Python tool for solving delay differential equations
py-delegator Subprocesses for Humans 2.0
py-delny Python module for delaunay triangulation
py-deltasigma Scale and map to implementable topologies delta sigma modulators
py-dependency Python module that build dependency matrices
py-dependency_management coala Dependency Management
py-dependenpy Python module that builds a Dependency Matrix for your project
py-depinfo List a package's direct dependencies and their versions
py-descartes Use geometric objects as matplotlib paths and patches
py-desktop-notify Util for sending desktop notifications over dbus
py-dexml Dead-simple Object-XML mapper for Python
py-dexy Document Automation
py-dexy_viewer Document Automation viewer
py-diffeqpy Solving Differential Equations in Python
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